So today was a good day. i saw and experienced many strange and aweful things. i decided to carry pen and paper with me so i could keep track of everything, to be able to write on this... well, i had paper, no PEN! RAAAGH! do you KNOW how frustrating that is? you have the desire, the WISH to write something down; for years, CENTURIES, man has been putting things on paper... or at least chisel some stone... AND I DON'T HAVE A PEN!!!! not even a dirty spoon. ANYTHING!
it was horrible. i had to remember.
so my day goes as such...
i'm at the bloor/young station, waiting for the subway. trying not make eye contact with ANYONE. hey, I'M not the freak. you are... it's the subway rush, so i'm in a crowd. i look down at the tracks and see a mouse. then i see more. they are everywhere. hiding. one'll run out then run back.
i think i'm the only one that sees them. so i look at the people standing next to me. it's all women, and a man with earings. ALL, i wanna do is say, "hey, look at those dirty rats." - hoping that someone screams and fall on the tracks and get electricuted. maybe the earring-man.
then i see a mouse run over to another mouse (we'll call this one stephanie), the first mouse is movin around then stops at steph. steph does not move. stephanie is dead. what's the first mouse thinking? where they friends? did they KNOW each other?
"hey, hey bud. hey. guess what... a woman fell on the TRACKS... bud? s-stephanie? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!"
which would sound alot like,
"sqwee, squee sque. squee. ski squee.. sk-skwisquee sa swa skwik squee... sque? s-stephanie?
so i'm climbin a ladder to clean the windows at some lady's house today. when i get there, i find i'm at the bathroom, RIGHT across from the mirror. so i made faces at myself.
and they will NEVER know. i have defiled their mirror. i bet NOONE has done that to that mirror, but ME. HAHA
from now on "Depeche Mode", will be said in a french accent.
De pish mmoud
i'm on the subway. the train is stopping to pick up a crowd. there is a crazy man with his thumb stuck out.