Thursday, November 16, 2006

music, cold, wheel

haha i just saw a woman running in the rain. you suck. get an umbrella.

know when you geta song in your head? like, i don't mean, a nice memory. i mean 17 FREAKIN HOURS!!
ya, isn't that annoying?
maybe if you like the song or if it's someon..... na. it always sucks. you always end up hating the song after.
well. last night my bro and i were talking about a song. what song?? who was it????


you're not funny after the 30th time.
so now that i'm a nerd for actually KNOWING his lyrics, i'm gonna go eat a bottle of aspirin.
so i have a cold... or maybe a deadly virus where my sinus is gonna blow up, and i'm gonna cough up one end of my large intestine. cuz that's what it feels like. hey, you never know in toronto. you lick one subway rail and you get sick. geez
anyway. so i go buy "medication". i got NeoCitrin. i get the citrin part. but what the hell does Neo mean?? i've been racking my brain. they better not mean new... as in, New Citrus. cuz if this is the new lemon, take it back. it sucks. you have to put it in water. it looks milky but the milk was bad and it went all flaky. mmmmmedication
NeoCitrin costs 10 bucks for the box. box of 10. math... a buck a peice. i feel like i'm prepaying for my future coffees. i got up this morning and wanted a coffee. then i remembered my new lemons. but i was kinda conflicted. i mean, my JAR of coffee was only 5 bucks. that's like 50 coffees. i can't even DO that math! that's AWESOME!
coffee = 10 cents
neoblah blah= 1 dollar
if i drink it i might be wasting my 1 dollar right? anyway i'm sick so it's not a waste. if i drink when i'm NOT sick it's a waste.
oh, and if you get NeoCitrin, look out for the packaging. it's like they packaged it for safari.
slogan - "Every cup wrapped in a sheet in Tin!"... KNIVES can't pentrate this stuff. i'm there struggling on the floor, my foot on my head, using my teeth AND a knife!

...who has a cold and goes on safari? give all the africans a cold. "here, have THIS. now dieing of aids will be fun!"
how do you spell "dieing"? is that right?
speaking of dieing, have you seen Vanna White? Give her a CANE!! help her OUT, PAT! she can only push those letters so long.
soon she be coming on the show with a walker and a red silk throw-shawl thing. i mean, gotta look GOOD, right?
actually she used to TURN the letters. now it's all digital. she just touches them. i've seen the letter flick on before she actually gets to them.
how's THAT for the ego? what message are they giving her? "we don't ACTUALLY need you. we have a younger girl up in the BOOTH doing it" - we'll call this girl Stephanie.
do Vanna and Stepahanie fight?
Stephanie will never fill Vanna's shoes. cuz they're ORTHOPEDIC!!
Vanna needs a high arch.

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