Tuesday, September 26, 2006

news, fish, home

it's been a bit since i wrote on here. a few things have happened.
i now work for myself. i don't have a name yet, workin on that. i contract under 8 different companies to clean windows. there are a few that i work with regularly, and the rest the odd time. it's ok so far.
hard to find work in the winter, but i had an awesome job come up. 3 winter months doing hirise caulking at a great wage. only problem is it's 3 hrs north and i'd be gone 5 days at a time. i'm gonna see if 3 days/wk is ok. shouldn't be a problem.
ashaya is due nov 18. so we have less than 2 months now. everything is going fine. i'm just about to paint our apt. was gonna do it today, but i'm pretty sick with this stupid cold. i don't wanna do NOTHIN'.
ok, so what the hell? why does anyone even compete with heinz?? i mean, everything else SUCKS! i was at this restaurant the other day, i get breakfast (sucked too) and i wanted ketchup for my potatoes. they give me this generic red squeeze thing. i'm goin', "aw man. what's in this?"

it wasn't heinz. so my crapy potatoes tasted even worse... good. exactly how i wanted to start my day. oh... OH! THEN.. i went to the same place for lunch, which for some reason i like to call dinner. i get the "house special". which is fish n chips. which makes me happy cuz i like fish. it's hard to find good fish in toronto. and this MUST be good, it's the "house special".
was it good? ...NO! house CRAP!! i think they got the fish outta a box at NoFrills. i ask for tartar sauce. they give me those little packs of kraft. wha? ah..c'MON! tartar sauce is the EASIEST thing to make!
so 2 things i have sworn off in toronto (ya, SWORN off) is fish and alexander keith's draft, which are both only good back home.
there, 2 more reasons to miss home.

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