Thursday, December 28, 2006

Peter the bourbon drinking... something

peter. here he is. and his wifey.

Now, peter's a nice guy. he's good people.

but sometimes...
he goes out and buys a bottle of 107 proof bourbon and writes me on msn as he takes the first shot.

...peter knows i like bourbon. peter knows i like 107. peter knows i have no liquor. peter knows how to make me mad.

good ol' peter
now to go get a glass of water.

New Baby Pics

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


i swear it.
today i was walking past a starbucks with a tim horton's coffee, and everyone inside looked at me and hissed! a cat...
or a vampire. evil tim horton's hating vampires. although they didn't have long teeth. but they DID have straws under their top lips....odd.

Monday, December 18, 2006

New Blog Soon

I'm thinkin of starting a new blog. I think i'm gonna call it, "Idiocy in Music".
it'll focus on stupid things that lyricists put in songs. y'know, those lines that are catchy and that you sing, then 4 years later it's stuck in your head.
such as, " ..." , ok i can't think of anything right now.
but you know what i mean. i hear it all the time.
I've decided that the Toronto Subway is more of one large blind date, than actually a subway. Canada's Blind Date.
how? have a look see.
people get themselves all dressed up, then travel to a subway station.
after they get on, so begins the commuter date.
you spend the whole time either rubbing up against someone, or being breathed on.
you're nervous because SOMEONE is staring at you, and you try not to make eye contact.
you never feel comfortable, and you don't actually KNOW these people.
And SOME of these people you've seen before, maybe more than once. this is called a "relationship". 7 stops down the way, you see a person that was at your busstop and because you've seen SO MANY people in that last 20 min, you feel like you KNOW this person. do you say hi? NO. and they don't either. you see them tomorrow at the busstop. it's almost like the 2 of you have moved in together... into the busstop. you could almost critique what they wear. "no. i don't like that hat.... wash your hair... RRRRAAAAA STOP LOOKING AT ME!!"
ok, i exagerated some of that, but it's not far off.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

1 dollar

you know when you go to the dollar store? and you buy something for a dollar? do you expect it to be the best of quality?
then how come when i go to Tim Horton's and i spend 1 dollar, i FREAK when my coffee isn't the best? which is most of the time.

...ssstiiiir. stir the coffee. your job isn't that hard. is your job stressful? do you need a massage person to come to your job? do they set up a table by the doughnuts? sneak a lemon twitter when you're not looking? do you make THEM good coffee?
rememeber Back to the Future? it's always been one of my favorite movies... anyway. SUPPOSEDLY back in 1988 (when the movie is set) they need Petroleum to fuel the car. and it was hard to find. they made this huge deal about finding petroleum. "OH blah bla petroleum! wa wa we cry all night, petroleum."
what's petroleum?
crude oil. it started being used in the construction of BABYLON!!! you stupid people! if you're going to make a movie, learn your history... or at least the history of words that sound weird to you.
you're driving a CAR!!! which uses OIL!!!!
you know what?
chicken butt.

Friday, December 08, 2006

bags, shave, life

I'm at a house the other day, cleaning the gutters, which, is just the BEST job in the world. Anyway, i have to take the leaves, put them in bags, put the bags at the end of the driveway... and i do it... cuz i'm just that good. so then there's this guy down the road. he's got the same job as me. what's HE do? throws the leaves on the ground then rakes 'em across the road to someone elses lawn. ... is that easier?...can i do that? where do i get a rake. GIMME A RAKE!! ...bags... bustin' my a** with bags

i have this idea. homeless people. when they start, they should shave their head. that way, we know how long they've been homeless...

when i'm drinking something, like i mean, REALLY into it, don't talk to me. if you do it, you are stupid. cuz i'm not listening. i've spent all my time making my coffee, or staring into the fridge deciding, and you want me to suddenly give YOU my attention? no. don't talk to me when i have a cup at my face.

*note to Tom Cochrane*
I don't care what you think life is like, i still hate your song.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

2 exciting things...

1. i have JUST been added as the new contributer of BrewWho? i'm a cafe reviewer! i am officially a snob. part. everyone part. i'm walking through. don't touch me. i review cafes.
this is gonna be great. find it HEAR... i mean, HERE --->
BrewWho? brought to you by our awesome friends at Zyconium.

2. Over the Hedge is an awesome movie.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

the keg of sorrow

so we're drivin down the road today, cuz there isn't any offroad in the downtown T-Dot. traffic was tight so we were movin slow. aaand there's this beer truck parked, with the driver deliverin kegs. i don't know WHY... but he takes out 5 kegs outta the back, puts them on the street, then takes ONE in.
...i think every canadian that saw that had the hardest battle of their LIFE, at that particular moment. i did.
i said that. but there were actually four still there, so i shoulda said "LOTSA KEGS!!"
if i woulda been driving i would have HIT the guy in fronta me. i wasn't lookin at the road and i wasn't lookin at the kegs. i was lookin to see if anyone ELSE saw them. are people RUNNING?
it's like in grade school when a kid would throw like, 20 marbles and scream, "SCRAMBLE!"
... i wanted to scramble. just grab one. both arms! don't even pick it up. just hold it and yell, "MINE! I call THIS one. it's MINE. ME. MINE... NAAAAASTAY AWAY FROM MINE."
... but i'd be the only one there. the other kegs all alone.
i bought these gloves today. now, i'm not a glove kinda guy. and i think that guys that have those, leather gloves, probly think that i'm impressed for some reason. i don't know. just a feeling i get. anyway. i bought gloves. but since i would never buy "hey i'm cool and fancy"-gloves, i bought work gloves. cuz they are practicle. BUT... only as practicle as how smart the person is buying them. there is definately a ratio of smartness to glove practicality.
Smart : Practicle
... am i spelling practicle right?? whatever. MAN i've gotten stupid.
yeah, SO. i get these ones with the rubber on the front, but not the BACK. and when am i using them? on the coldest wetest day of the year, while cleaning out gutters full of freezing water.
dumb : bad choice
see? it works
my hands were wet all day. not dirty! just numb.

Friday, December 01, 2006

time to get out the igloo

so i've discovered that i like to thaw hamburger in the microwave. that's right... DISCOVERED! screw you Columbus, this one is MINE!
funny how our society has changed over the years. words that we used to use, should be used for other things, and given new names. like microwave. sounds like an ipod accessory.
"i bought the nano."
"well i bought a new MICROWAVE!"

it should be called the Food Cooker. "It Cooks your Food!"
or the RadBox. which actually sounds like a second option to a vesectamy. "just put them in there sir."

i want a cell phone. and my space bar is sticking ...ok better. ya. cell phone. i just don't know who to go with. anyone but rogers. i hate rogers. hate hate hate hate.
i'm boycotting Rogers and staging a revolt. a throw-down. a take over. then sell to Bell... or Alberta. rogers is buyin everything up. they bought the Skydome (the Rogers Centre), telus...
...ok that's not everything, but i still hate rogers... and Crispers. what ARE they??