Monday, July 03, 2006

freakin BORED!!!!

ya so, now, cuz i have NO! car. i'm stuck not doing some of the jobs i could be doing. such as : jobs in barrie, or ... around. when i had the car i was all OVER the place. barrie, north bay, owen sound, mississauga. those were long days. i heard north bay is the pregnancy capital of canada

so now i can't schedule those big jobs. i've done one job since then. a preasure washing thing on jane at 4 in the freakin morning. i'm getting pretty stressed out.
i applied for this job. not contracting. but a REAL job. haven't had a real job in a long time. i've been doing seasonal for too long now. it's this building that i work cleaning it. like hallways and crap like that. dusting. BUT!! i get to live in the building! i'd get this freakin HUGE 2 bdrm apt worth over 1200/month! they pay all my utilities!. i just have to pay internet/cable/phone! and i still make like 14 bucks an hr!
hope i get that. then i don't have to worry about running out of work in the winter, right around when the baby is on it's way... WHICH, we went to the doctor-woman for the ultrasound! REALLY cool! they gave us some pics. one of it sucking it's thumb! i'll try n get those up. my scanner is shite.
ya ok, back to my week-long holiday.